Sunday, September 14, 2008

One the Road -- Again

We have arrived at our winter home -- Hope, Arizona. We departed Colfax about 9:30 am on Thursday, 9/11/08, and arrived in Hope today, 9/14/08, at 2:30 pm. Our trip down was much better than our trip home last spring when we had three flat tires (1 on the truck and 2 on the trailer) and in Laughlin, NV we had to have the fuel filter changed. This trip we had NO problems of any kind! The weather was great, everything was great.

We had a wonderful summer in Colfax. Al enjoyed his 2+ months of working for a farmer out of Pullman while mom and I enjoyed doing fun things along with some medical things. All is well with all of us.

We hope you all have a wonderful winter -- less snow and cold than last winter. We look forward to seeing you in spring or at least in June at the reunion.

God Bless --
Al and Phyllis

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rhoden/Scheuerman Road Trip 2008

Here are a few pictures of our recent road trip from Florida to Tacoma. Charles and I picked up a few strays along the way...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sunset Remembered

I have to tell you, Mom, Edwin and I had an opportunity to join other former residents of Sunset this past Sunday in Spokane for a Sunset Reunion. What a wonderful day it was!!! There were folks that lived their prior to our living there and folks that were there when we were there -- don't think there were any current residents in attendance. We numbered about 30 in attendance.

From Spokane we drove to Endicott to see cousin Jared before his leaving for the west side. Let me tell you, this trip took us down memory lane. First through Malden, Pine City with a detour to Sunset before going on to St. John and Endicott. It had been many years since any of us had traveled these roads and what fun it was. Sunset is about the same as our days there. One thing we did notice (and Dick you'll enjoy this) the Knudsen family home is gone. There are some new homes since our days there to replace some that are gone. Something that never ceases to amaze me is how different a child's perspective is in size -- Sunset seems smaller today than when I was a kid living there!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July

July 4, 2008

l to r: Brian Parrish and kids offer a "cooling off" for parade watchers at the Johnson Parade;

Johnson Parade watchers, Brian, Christina, Evelyn, try to stay dry!;

Christopher takes aim . . .

Debbie and her boys, recent Ranger graduate Jarad, and Andrew, enjoying the Endicott 4th of July concert; and finally our Debbie sings for the crowd. The fireworks that followed the concert were spectacular!

Both events, the Johnson Parade and the Endicott evening festivities, were terrific and enjoyed. What a way to celebrate an 'ol fashioned 4th of July!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's about time

Well I figured it are a few pictures from the reunion you all may like to take a look at. Enjoy.

Way to Go Nicole

Congratulations Nicole! For being the first "brave" one to post to the family blog you win a trip to Florida! Oops, guess you are already taking a trip to Florida. What fun it will be for you to drive back with Mary and Charles.

Thanks for being "brave" maybe you have inspired others to join us.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I decided that I was going to be "brave" and post something on the blog. So! As some of you may know Mary and Charles are moving back to Washington from Florida. Well, I was going to go on a couple of trips this summer but they did not seem to follow through. So the new trip is that I am going to fly down to Florida, and then drive back with Mary and Charles to Washington. It is definately going to be a long drive, about 2 weeks. But I am definately excited! I have not really been anywhere fun and exciting so this will definately fill that void. Well there you have it. I was brave and posted something.
OK, we have been properly chastised for not using this site! The nice thing about the previous site was that it notified us when someone posted a picture or a comment. We loved that! Maybe someone can volunteer to be the "official notifier" with this site, until we start remembering to check often anyway. ???

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Let's Hear It

OK, I am wishing someone would be brave and try posting to this site except me. I want to know if you contributors can actually contribute. Give me some feedback since this is the Official family website.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What A Great Time We Had!!

Reunion 2008 is history but we sure had a great time. At one time or another there were 55 attendees at Cinda's and Mike's on Saturday.

Friday night there were about 35 of us at Dot, Rick, and Aunt Millie's for BBQd hotdogs and hamburgers and all the trimmings. Their beautiful back yard was filled with the sounds of kids playing and the patio was the site of numerous conversations between cousins and aunts. Thanks Dot, Rick and Aunt Millie for your hospitality!

Saturday we gathered at Mike and Cinda's for the day -- and what a day it was! In spite of the early morning rain the day was beautiful! Even perfect! The "usual" events returned -- eating, visiting, eating, raffle, white elephant, eating, visiting, egg toss, eating . . . and so the day went.

Our Vancouver Cousins did a wonderful job: fried chicken, shrimp, mac and potato salads, green salad, sweet and sour wurst, mauda kleese, blackberry cobbler, birthday cake . . . We never lack for food do we?

Connor Parrish and Aunt Mary Scheuerman were the big winners at the raffle I think. Congratulations to you both!! Of course, we were all "winners" with the white elephant event. Even Sara Scheuerman who finally divested herself of the travel calendar/clock, book lite and Black Suade cologne. Anyone know the time in Rio???

The "Parrish Kids" came through with the egg throw. Brian and Christopher outlasted all other contestants! Way to go guys, you made your mom and grandma proud!

Sunday morning found several of us (sorry, didn't count) back at Cinda and Mike's for breakfast of bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, muffins, and pancakes before most hit the road to home.

What follows are a few pictoral highlights of the weekend! Enjoy. and Thanks, again, to our Vancouver Cousins!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Graduation Celebrations

'tis the graduation season! Al recently returned from a grandson's high school graduation in Missouri. Al, Connie and Beau flew back for the event and had a great time. Tim, the recent graduate, will be heading off to the Air Force in August.

A week from today will be the 'big day' for Nicole as she graduates from St. John-Endicott High School. Nic will be delivering the salutatory address. Congratulations Nicole.

The following weekend is Leigh Anna's day as she will graduate from Eastern Washington University. This promises to be a very busy time for the Seattle Scheuermans -- Leigh's graduation, moving out of their Spokane house and into their Spanaway house and the family reunion in Vancouver the following weekend!

Congratulations to all our graduates and jobs well done. Congrats to to Dick and Lois on the sale and purchase of homes.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hey Kids, Know What Time It Is???

Whose line was this?????

Reunion weekend 2008 is nearing!

Cousins Mary & Craig and Aunt Millie have gathered this information for motels in the area:

Near the Mall (10.2 miles from Cinda's)

  • Rodeway Inn & Suites - $69.89 + tax less 10%

  • Ramada Inn & Suites - $66.00 + tax

  • Comfort Suites - $94.46 + tax

Battle Ground (3.2 miles from Cinda's)

  • Best Western - $109.99 + tax less 10% (2 Queen Beds)

  • Best Western - $99.00 + tax less 10% (1 King Bed)

All accept AAA or AARP. Mary also notes these are the current rates - all rates will be increasing June 1.

Cousin Dot has this information for us -- there will be RV parking at Becky and Dave's place. Dot sez there will be room for 3 and possibly 4 rigs with water and electricity available.

Everyone needs to be responsible for making their own reservations whether at a motel or at Dave and Becky's!

For those arriving on Friday there will the usual hot dogs and burgers at Millie, Rick, and Dot's house. Please let Dot know if you will be there Friday night and/or Saturday and Sunday ASAP so they can plan their shopping lists (and menu).

Besides the above remember to bring you White Elephant gifts and your raffle items. A good raffle means we are self-supporting.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Mike & Cinda's (20515 NE 89th Ave, Battle Ground 98604 Phone: 360/576-5457) June 20-22.

PS: Al & Phyllis, Aunt Evelyn, Brad & Cassie, Jack & Alex, and Brian, Christopher and Connor are planning to be there Friday evening and Saturday. Christina will be joining us sometime later on Saturday. She has an event she has to work in Seattle for the Alumni Association.

PSS: If you said Buffalo Bob Smith from the Howdy Doody Show you are correct.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our Arizona Home

These are some images from our Arizona Home:
The cactus blossoms are beautiful. This particular one is an Agrentine Giant. Their blooms last for only a short time -- 24 hours or less! And they small sooo good! All cactus plants bloom we're told.

There are many Big Horn Sheep in the desert; although we personally haven't seen any. Many of the residents have ATV and spend time in the desert -- that's where they are seen.

Friendly lizards like to "cool off" once in a while too -- this was in our neighbots lot.

Hummingbirds abound when the weather is warm.

Pictured with Al is our friend and neighbor Bill. He is the one who has taken the pictures you see here of the sheep and other critters. Bill spends much time in the desert and has some wonderful pictures. Al borrowed an ATV one day and Bill was his guide to the desert. There may be an ATV in our future!


Don't know about many of you but I have been frustrated by the length of time it takes to move from one category to another on the MyFamily website so thought I'd try something different -- this is also FREE. I am just in the process of getting this set up and an invitation should have been sent to each of you.

Let me know what you think!

We arrived in Colfax Monday afternoon about 3pm. It was an eventful trip -- we had to change the fuel filter on the truck in Bull Head City, Arizona, a tire on the trailer in Pahrump, Nevada, and another tire on the trailer in Carver, Nevada. Now, if you were to look for Carver on a map you may not find it -- it is about 60 miles south of Austin, Nevada, on US 95. Basically, in the middle of nowhere!